More Co-ordinators!

The Police Pagan Association is delighted to introduce the newest members of our ever-expanding First Point of Contact network!

CE Lisa Barnett of West-Midlands Police has taken on the role of FPOC for for the West Midlands region; you can contact her here.

CE Natasha Koncewicz of Norfolk Constabulary has taken on the role of FPOC for Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies; she can be contacted here.

And our Treasurer Inspector Maxine Cilia, has taken on the role of FPOC for Surrey and Sussex constabularies; she can be contacted here.

We are extremely grateful to our FPOCs, who take on the additional responsibilities that the role brings alongside their regular duties.

If you are a serving Pagan police officer or member of police staff and you are interested in becoming part of our FPOC network, feel free to contact us using the form below.